Natalie’s Story
Natalie is A Proud
Sponsor of Feast Down East
Member of Northside Co-op Finance Committee
Member of Cape Fear Food Council
Loan Lender for Kiva Micro Loans
My Story
I was tired and so fatigued…
For many years I was tired and so fatigued, I could not climb a flight of stairs. This was not me as I have always had so much energy! After a couple of years of seeing specialists, I decided to enroll into a health coach program to work with my doctors. Long story short, I had major gut issues, inflammation and a weakened immune system with no answers or specific diagnosis. I also had not dealt with a lot of trauma in my life. I was just sick a lot and always at the doctor!
We learned there were so many contributing factors.
During that time, I began to understand how important it was to ensure all areas of life are balanced and how if one area is unbalanced it impacts all other areas of your life.
After going through an assessment of my own health…
such as nutrition, physical activity, career, relationships, education, joy, spirituality and finances, I quickly discovered where I was fulfilled and where I was not. I started to set actionable goals to work on the areas where I was not fulfilled.
Over time, synchronicities started to happen that told me I was on the right path! I started to feel better.
I started to experience more joy and I was sick less often.
I started to know the right questions to ask for my care. I started to heal wholly and through the process, I gained clarity on my purpose and identity.
Now I have this longing to ‘PAY IT FORWARD’ and help others on life’s journey.
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